Supplemental Data

Supplemental Data Description Relevant Supplementary Figure
Supplemental Data 1Information about the tools involved in the comparison
Supplemental Data 2Statistics and accuracy metrics of tweaked alignment on Human
Supplemental Data 3Statistics and accuracy metrics of tweaked alignment on Malaria
Supplemental Data 4Statistics and accuracy metrics of default alignment on Human and Malaria (latest tool versions)
Supplemental Data 5Statistics and accuracy metrics of default alignment on HumanS2, S3, S4, S11, S13, S14
Supplemental Data 6Statistics and accuracy metrics of default alignment on MalariaS2, S3, S4, S11, S13, S14
Supplemental Data 7Statistics and accuracy metrics achieved by the best tweaked alignment on HumanS9, S10
Supplemental Data 8Statistics and accuracy metrics achieved by the best tweaked alignment on MalariaS9, S10
Supplemental Data 9Statistics and accuracy metrics of default alignment on Human including/omitting annotationS7, S8
Supplemental Data 10Statistics and accuracy metrics of default alignment on Malaria including/omitting annotationS7, S8
Supplemental Data 11Performance metrics of default alignment on HumanS15
Supplemental Data 12Performance metrics of default alignment on MalariaS15
Supplemental Data 13Statistics and accuracy metrics of short anchored reads alignment on HumanS5
Supplemental Data 14Statistics and accuracy metrics of simulated adapters alignment on HumanS12
Supplemental Data 15Statistics and accuracy metrics of canonical and noncanonical junctions on HumanS6